The insightful Helen Keller said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” She was not referring to what you see right in front of you on an everyday basis, but what is invisible to others. The things that only you can see. What you think about constantly. The thoughts you can’t seem to shake. The scenarios that scare you. The ideals that you DREAM about. You know... what you see in your future. For most of us, those daydreams, leads to entrepreneurial ambitions. But that’s where it stops. Well for majority of us. Those aspirations, don’t go any further than a thought, and if it is the “New Year,” we’ll go as far as to write them down. But we then become discouraged because we become so concerned about the provisions needed for the vision, but not spending enough time planning for the visions we have been given. But, it’s okay, because in this installment of TraeScoops, I had the privilege of sitting down with my personal hair guru, Corey Paul. Corey and I talk about what it took, for him to step out and become the business man he is today. How he was able to overcome his fears, and allowed his fears to fuel him to having a booming 14 seat salon. How he is on a mission to leave a legacy that is bigger than himself. So please join us as we discuss, entrepreneurship and having a clear vision, while enjoying ice cream at the Golden Cow Creamery.