Trae Scoops Presents: Millennials – Organized Religion = Spirituality ?

Over the last couple of years, there has been an increase of conversation surrounding Religion v. Spirituality. The conversation is not being discussed,as much, amongst our older generations, such as the Baby Boomers and Generation X, but rather between the Millennials and Generation Z. According to “,” they surveyed a group of younger millennials, to see what the “Religious Landscape” is. (What does this mean?) Survey says…. Christianity is the biggest religion, with fifty-six percent, followed by persons that are unaffiliated with thirty-six percent. So is Religion v. Spirituality really a debate? What are the deciding factors for someone to make the classification? Did ask the right question? I don’t think they did. I believe the conversation should not be centered around religion or spirituality, but around RELATIONSHIP. How many millennials have a RELATIONSHIP with God?  That’s what it boils down to. Not the construct of an organization, although structure is essential, or wanting to be subversive with radical spiritual ideals, although radicalness is necessary as well, but your developed relationship with the Developer and continuing to make that stronger. But hey, thats just my perspective. Let’s discuss on the Trae Scoops Instagram page, after you watch, Me and The Good Brother Minister David Watkins engage, about the topic of Millennials and their spirituality.

1 thought on “Trae Scoops Presents: Millennials – Organized Religion = Spirituality ?”

  1. Pretty interesting. I enjoyed the conversation about religion and spirituality. It’s nice to hear others perspectives when it comes to such a sensitive subject. I really enjoyed the show!!! Keep up the good work Trae Scoops!!!


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