Contrary to society’s perception, two Black millennials, can raise a child without the “Baby Daddy, Baby Mama DRAMA”. Yes, I had a child out of wedlock. But that’s not unusual, according to “,” over forty percent of parents are having babies unmarried. The gag is how to coincide. The father of my child, Charleston and I get a lot of compliments on how well we have raised our seven year old. Now, don’t get me wrong, our parenting skills have not always been A-1. We have had our fair share of mishaps, disappointments and tears. The day Charleston and I made a vow to be friends we became healthier parents.”Why become friends”? Why not? When you think about your healthy friendships what are the essential elements: Communication, Understanding, Appreciation and Selflessness. Let’s be honest, parenting should have those same essential elements. Having the ability to effectively cope with life and creating healthy relationships while having the ability to express your feelings with people you trust is emotional wellness. Charleston and I have found internal balance with our emotions to be successful co-parents. To learn more about our essentials to successfully co-parenting check out the video below featuring our daughter Miya D'.
Awesome!!! Great information for millennials that are co-parenting!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️